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Home » 2024-11-05 election » The Woodlands » Woodlands Township Position 1 » Dylan Gonzales

Dylan Gonzales
Party Republican
Marital Married
Children 0

Dylan Gonzales


MCTP Score of: 70 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2024-10-02 23:47:19



  • Christian Conservative Republican
  • Says individuals motivated to run for public office should also be willing to invest their own money
  • Disagrees w/current board soliciting bids from contractors on what to do w/the GE Betts property
  • Concerned that the Howard Hughes Corp may use their land to build multi-family housing.  Understands that more multi-family housing leads to increased crime rates, pressure on other services like schools (but misstates that property taxes are collected from residents - they are, but through the property mgt companies).


  • While identifying as a conservative, there's no record of him voting in the 2024 primary(he didn't see importance in primary voting).  He has since signed an Oath of Affiliation to the Republican Party. 
  • Opposed to high taxes and government waste
  • Claims County-wide government more efficient than a city...  More



What are the three main reasons you are running for this office? Do you see any potential conflicts of interest?

  1. Uphold Conservative Values for Younger Generations:
    1. Our township is a place where diverse generations come together, and I believe it's crucial to bridge the gap between our older and younger residents. By fostering strong connections and understanding between these generations, we can ensure that our community remains vibrant, accountable, and enjoyable for everyone—both now and for generations to come.
  2. Calling for Servant Leadership:
    1. I’ve always had a calling for servant leadership. During my adolescent years, I was an altar server at my local church, a captain on my football team, and an academic tutor to several of my peers. As an adult, the number of organic opportunities to be a servant leader has decreased, and it’s been on my mind to be more intentional about creating opportunities for myself.
  3. I have a Vision for our Township:

I envision a vibrant community where families and businesses not only thrive but flourish through the cultivation of intergenerational connections. In this community, the wisdom and experience of older generations seamlessly blend with the innovation and energy of younger ones, fostering a rich environment of mutual support and growth. Families share their traditions and values, creating a strong sense of continuity and belonging, while businesses benefit from a diverse range of perspectives and skills. This synergy strengthens social bonds, drives economic prosperity, and nurtures a resilient and harmonious society where each generation contributes to and learns from the other.

What are the three main attributes that make you the most qualified for this position?

  1. Dedicated to Service:
    1. I currently serve as the Lead Chair of the Houston Community Service Board at Pariveda Solutions, my consulting firm. In this role, I organize and host monthly park cleanup events across Houston, including The Woodlands. Beyond park cleanups, I coordinate various donation drives. Additionally, I support our internship program, which partners with non-profit organizations to delivery technology solutions that enhance accessibility for those in need of services.
  2. Transparency and Accountability:
    1. Transparency and accountability are key components of my approach. I plan to regularly share data and progress reports with the community, ensuring that residents are informed and can hold us accountable for our decisions.
  3. Data-Driven Approach:
    1. With a background in computer science and 7 years of experience in consulting, I bring expertise in solving challenging and complex problems through a highly analytical approach. By combining a data-driven strategy with transparent communication, we can responsibly make decisions while maintaining accountability and trust with the community.

What three major changes would you like to see implemented by the Township?

  1. Enhance Public Safety:
    1. I will work to strengthen our safety measures and emergency services to create a safer environment for all residents. This involves collaborating closely with local law enforcement and emergency responders to address community concerns and improve overall safety. By fostering stronger relationships between law enforcement and residents, we can build trust and ensure that community concerns are heard and addressed promptly.
  2. Responsibly Improve Local Infrastructure:
    1. I will ensure that our roads, public spaces, schools, and facilities are well-maintained and upgraded in a way that balances progress with environmental, social, and financial responsibility. To achieve this, I plan to enact a data-driven approach to determine the highest priority projects and solutions with the highest impact. By leveraging data analytics, we can identify the most critical areas for improvement and allocate resources efficiently. This approach ensures that our decisions are based on objective evidence rather than subjective opinions.
  3. Strengthen Community Engagement:
    1. I intend to foster greater participation and communication within our township. By creating more opportunities for residents to be involved in decision-making processes and community activities, we can ensure that our conservative values are represented throughout the Township.

What 2 things about your opponent do the voters need to know?

  1. My opponent’s top priority, much like myself, is public safety. While we both share a similar position, we differ when it comes to accountability and execution. I believe in transparent communication and a data-driven approach that will allow our community to hold us accountable and ensure our decisions are accurate and effective. We have seen crime rates increase in Montgomery County under the leadership of my opponent.

My opponent and I have differing philosophies regarding campaign finances. While there is nothing inherently wrong with accepting political donations, I believe that individuals motivated to run for public office should also be willing to invest their own money in their campaigns. More importantly, numerous examples in American politics demonstrate how accepting financial donations from PACs can lead to decision-making that does not serve the best interests of the people being represented.

Are any of your family members employed by or working under contract to either The Woodlands Township or Montgomery County?

  1. No

What do you think the Township Board should do with the property formerly occupied by GE Betz Laboratories, on the Sthwest quadrant of the intersection of Grogans Mill Rd and Lake Woodlands Blvd.

  1. I disagree with the recent vote that allows independent contractors and developers to submit proposals for how they would modify or improve the land. I think there should be real discussion about selling the property/land, because it currently generates no revenue on the tax rolls as it stands today.  Ultimately, the decision should be made in the best interest of our tax payers and should generate revenue for The Woodlands Township.

List all civic, political or union organizations or individuals to whom you have contributed time or money in the last five years.



What, in your view, are the positive and negative aspects of the Township's current governance structure?

  1. Our Township governance structure is well architected.  I oppose any notions for incorporation for several reasons. Firstly, I believe that incorporating could lead to increased taxes and fees for residents. The costs associated with setting up and maintaining a new municipal government often exceed initial projections and can place a significant financial burden on the community.

    Secondly, incorporating might result in reduced services or decreased efficiency. There is a risk that the new local government may not manage resources as effectively as the current system, potentially impacting essential services and overall quality of life.

    Additionally, I have concerns about the impact on local businesses and property values. The uncertainty surrounding changes in zoning laws and regulations could negatively affect our local economy and the stability of property values.

    Overall, I feel that our current governance structure provides a stable and effective framework for managing our community's needs. Incorporation introduces risks and uncertainties that may outweigh the potential benefits.

The township budget funds all reserves 100% yearly. What is the current surplus and should any of it be returned to the residents or retained in a rainy day fund and if so, how much and why? Any other options for the surplus?

  1. The township budget funds all reserves 100% yearly. What is the current surplus and should any of it be returned to the residents or retained in a rainy day fund and if so, how much and why? Any other options for the surplus?
    1. The current surplus is $107,122,978. Maintaining appropriate reserve and fund balances is a critical element of our overall financial strength. However, the current surplus is quite substantial and I think it should be reduced with responsible spending; debt service payments and overdue infrastructure upgrades would be my first suggestion for how we go about using this surplus responsibly.

With The Woodlands reaching full residential build-out, what do you think the Township should do to generate additional non-property tax revenues to maintain services without a property tax increase?

  1. With The Woodlands reaching full residential build-out, what do you think the Township should do to generate additional non-property tax revenues to maintain services without a property tax increase?
    1. Invest in Technology and Innovation: Utilize technology to improve efficiency and reduce operational costs. Additionally, explore innovative revenue-generating technologies or services that could be introduced in the community.
    2. Optimize Asset Management: Review and optimize the management of existing assets, such as public spaces or rental properties, to ensure they are generating maximum revenue.
    3. Enhance Commercial and Retail Development: Encourage the development of more commercial and retail spaces to broaden the tax base. This could include creating incentives for businesses to open in The Woodlands and ensuring that zoning regulations support diverse commercial ventures.

Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcies?


What are your thoughts about the community using the board to promote certain social justice agendas? Should the board maintain neutrality since they represent broad views of all residents?

The board is no place for social justice agendas to be promoted. The board should absolutely maintain neutrality.


What are the 3 most pressing mobility issues in The Woodlands and what is your preferred solution to each?

  1. Traffic Congestion on Major Roads
    1. As The Woodlands grows, traffic congestion on major roads, such as Woodlands Parkway and Sawdust Road, has become more severe, leading to longer commute times and increased frustration.
    2. I would implement a comprehensive traffic management plan that includes expanding major roadways where feasible, optimizing traffic signal timing, and introducing smart traffic management systems. Additionally, promoting the use of alternative transportation options like bike lanes and public transit can help reduce congestion. Enhancing carpool programs and encouraging staggered work hours could also alleviate peak-hour traffic.
  2. Speeding in Residential Neighborhoods
    1. Excessive speeding in residential areas poses safety risks to pedestrians, especially children, and can lead to accidents and diminished quality of life for residents.
    2. I would implement a multifaceted approach to address speeding in neighborhoods. This could include installing speed bumps or traffic calming measures like roundabouts and chicanes to physically slow down traffic. Increasing enforcement through the use of speed radar signs and regular patrols can also deter speeding. Additionally, improving community awareness through educational campaigns about the importance of safe driving speeds can help foster a culture of respect for speed limits. Engaging with residents to identify high-risk areas and collaborating on targeted solutions can further enhance the effectiveness of these measures.
  3. Lack of Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure
    1. The existing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in The Woodlands are insufficient in some areas, limiting mobility options and safety for non-motorized users.
    2. I would invest in the expansion and improvement of bike lanes, multi-use trails, and pedestrian pathways to create a more connected and safer network for cyclists and walkers. Ensure these paths are well-maintained and integrated with major destinations and transit hubs. Additionally, consider implementing traffic calming measures in residential areas to protect pedestrians and cyclists.

Commissioner Riley is actively planning the extension of the Mansion's Way parkway. What should the Township do to prevent a flood of cut though traffic on Woodlands Parkway?

I believe my 3 issues raised in the question above would directly serve to mitigate increased cut-through traffic on Woodlands Parkway.


Do you agree/disagree with MCTP Core Values?  Please explain if you disagree

  1. I agree with the MCTP Core Values.

What do you perceive to be the biggest threat to our community within the next 5 years?

The biggest threats to our community within the next 5 years are increased migration from Harris County to Montgomery County and the left-leaning values from my generation and generations younger than me.  As a young conservative, I believe I’m the best equipped to ensure our community’s conservative values are adopted by my generation and future generations.

The Woodlands is basically built out, except for some land held by Howard Hughes Corp(HHC). Are you concerned they(HHC) may use that to build multi-family housing? And what are the pros and cons of that?

  1. Yes, I am concerned that the Howard Hughes Corp may use their land to build multi-family housing.  Statistically, more multi-family housing leads to increased crime rates.  Additionally, the services needed to support these families put a burden on tax payers, education systems, and more – while also not providing a mechanism for property taxes to be collected from the families to help offset the costs.

Should the township be funding non-profit organization events such as Interfaith luncheons, senior pick-up services, Education for Tomorrow luncheons, etc...with tax dollars? Please explain.

Generally speaking, no, the township should not be funding these events with tax dollars. However, if these services are brought to a vote before the people, and the large majority of our community wants one of these services, it would then be ethical for the township to fund the service with tax dollars.

What's your position on a Performing Arts Center in the Woodlands and what should the funding source(s) be & at what percentage?

While I think a Performing Arts Center enhances cultural opportunities and also attracts visitors, potentially boosting local businesses and fostering community engagement, I think funding percentages should be represented according to the benefits received from having a center.

  1. Public Funding (20%)
  2. Private Contributions and Sponsorships (30%)
  3. Ticket Sales and Revenue Generation (25%)
  4. Fundraising Campaigns and Grants (25%)

Which current Township board member do you identify with the most and why?

I identify most with Vice Chairman Kyle Watson due to our humble and hard-working backgrounds and conservative family values.  Here are just a few things we share in common:

  1. We both truly care about our community and its residents.
  2. We are Christian men that believe in God, Country, and Family.
  3. We are successful professionals in the Houston area.
  4. We are pragmatic, reasonable, and effectively solve problems for a living.
  5. We want future generations to have a better quality of life than we have today.

On the GE Betz property, there were reportedly 4 underground storage tanks(3 concrete and one leaking fiberglass tank, with apparently no disposition. Is this acceptable? What should be done/

No, this is not acceptable. Underground storage tanks, especially those that are leaking, pose serious risks to the environment and public health. Leaks from USTs can lead to soil and groundwater contamination, which can have long-term impacts on local ecosystems and water supplies.

We need to immediately conduct an assessment, implement safety measures, remove and properly dispose of the tanks, perform environmental remediation, and have a plan for long-term monitoring and maintenance. Additionally, we should be reviewing all documented paperwork and agreements with GE Betz for the property. Compliance and regulatory reporting may be able to hold them liable and incur the costs associated with remediating the issue.

What political party do you affiliate with? Do you believe in that party platform(all of it or % part - if %, please describe what you disagree with?

I affiliate with the Republican Party and believe in all of its platform policies.