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Home » 2024-11-05 election » Precinct 2 » MCHD Board Precinct 2 Commissioner » Jackie Williams

Jackie Williams
Party Republican
Born 11/25/1957
Occupation Retired
Religion Baptist
Marital Married
Children 2

Jackie Williams


I have been married to a wonderful man for 40 years. I am blessed with two amazing chidlren and four beautiful grandchildren.  I am currently retired. I worked in multiple manufacturing industries for 27 years.  My next 14 years were spent in various management positions at an Oil & Gas company.  

MCTP Score of: 79 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2024-09-28 18:37:31


  • God centered
  • Taxpayer champion
  • Has solid business hiring and organizational experience
  • High business acumen - very detailed
  • Quick learner


  • Lite on related experience

Video Interview Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2024-09-28 18:31:48




Why are you running for this office and what 3 major goals do you want to be measured by if you are elected?

The citizens of our county deserve representation that will show respect that we are using their hard-earned money.  It is my desire to serve on the Montgomery County Hospital District Board (MCHD) in order to manage the funds given to us in a conservative way.   The three major goals that I want to be measured include:

1.  Make every effort to keep the tax rate for Montgomery County taxpayers at the current level or a reduced level where possible.  No new taxes unless explicitly unavoidable.   

2.  Develop or improve communication between MCHD board, taxpayers and employees  

3.  Review the MCHD budget for any cost savings and ensure all spending is necessary and appropriate.

Do you have any experience with EMS or medicine?

I do not have experience with EMS or medicine.  However, I was a supervisor, manager and senior manager at multiple corporations and assigned as a first responder.  I was trained annually in first aid and CPR for over thirty years.  Additionally, I have many family members and close friends who are nurses and nurse practitioners who have shared their experience with me over the years.

Should Disrtict employees take home District vehicles and if so for what purpose?

I do not believe MCHD employees should be taking home MCHD vehicles. It may open the MCHD to higher insurance costs and potential lawsuits.

Should the Medical Director answer to the Board?

Yes. The board members responsibility is to provide oversight of all aspects of the MCHD.  Therefore, the Medical Director should answer to the MCHD Board.  All elected persons are accountable to the voters, and in turn, the Medical Director should be accountable to the elected Board members.  The citizens of the county should feel that the MCHD is working in the best interests of everyone and this would require that the Medical Director is reporting to the MCHD Board.

Is it the responsibility of the Board to monitor the spending of the District and verify expenses?

Without a doubt the board members are responsible for monitoring the spending of the MCHD and verifying expenses paid.

Should Board members have complete access to all areas of the District?  Why or why not?

Yes.  Board members would not be able to effectively perform their duties and responsibilities of oversight unless they have access to all areas of the district

Should Health Care Assistance Patients be required to have drug testing in order to receive assistance?

Drug testing of health care assistance patients should be required and permitted but it should not interfere with critical care activities.  It should be done as soon as safe and practical to do so.  

Do you believe Board members should be allowed to ride along with EMS crews and spend time with Alarm and other departments?

Yes, MCHD Board members would have a better understanding of the organization if allowed to ride along with EMS crews and spend time with affiliated departments.  It would very likely enable us to develop better MCHD policies. The experience would be invaluable for the existing and new MCHD Board members.

The Board is to set Policy, should it have any say in procedures?

Policies are general in nature and used to establish rules and guidelines.  The provide guiding principles.  However, procedures are usually step  by step instructions and should be created by operational experts.  The MCHD board should retain the right to review the procedures and offer suggestions, but not create them.  


Should Board members attend the MCHD Budget workshops and hearings?

The budget is a core responsibility of the MCHD board.  The board should play an integral role in creating, offering suggestions for changes and adjusting the budget.  As such, they should absolutely attend the workshops and hearings.  

Should salaried employees be paid overtime?

No. A salaried employee should not be paid overtime. If a situation demands that an excessive amount of overtime is required of an employee, the employee could be compensated with paid time off. 


The Board is not supposed to micro-manage, but should they trust and verify?

Yes, it is a core responsibility of MCHD Board members to provide oversight of employees and MCHD activities.  We need open communication and access to all public reports and records

Is there anything in your background of an embarrassing nature that should be explained before your election? Arrests/Convictions? Bankruptcies?

No. I do not have anything questionable in my history.  

Should District employees have open lines of communications with Board members, without fear of reprisal?  Why or why not?

District employees should be able to freely discuss issues, concerns and suggestions with MCHD Board members without fear of reprisal.  Open and honest communication is a cornerstone of building relationships within any organization.  

Health care

Should any first responder injured in the line of duty have their ambulance charges absorbed by the District?

Any first responder injured in the line of duty should have their ambulance charges absorbed by the district.  

Do you believe the Board should have access to all MCHD reports and records, excluding patient records?

In order to properly provide oversight of MCHD activities, it is imperative to have access to all reports and records, excluding patient records.  

Is it better to build stand alone EMS facilities, co-locate with fire departments, or purchase existing facilities and modify them?

It depends on the situation and the need.  Lower costs options like utilizing an existing building that fits our needs or sharing locations with fire departments would provide a budge conscious alternative.   The MCHD Board should look at all options and try to keep costs at a minimum.  This will help us avoid future tax increases. 

Do you believe Board members should be allowed to ride along with EMS crews and spend time with Alarm and other departments? Explain your rationale.

Yes, MCHD Board members would have a better understanding of the organization if allowed to ride along with EMS crews and spend time with affiliated departments.  It would very likely enable us to develop better MCHD policies. The experience would be invaluable for the existing and new MCHD Board members.

Should the Medical Director be an employee or a contractor?

If the position is determined to be a full-time requirement, then hiring the Medical Director would be optimal.  If the position is not required full time, then it would make better use of tax payer monies to contract as needed.  


Should Board members have open lines of communications with all employees of the District?

MCHD Board members should have open lines of communication with all employees.  Employees feel valued when they are engaged in the process. They have knowledge and experience that should be shared with the board.  This helps to develop a team atmosphere.  

Should District employees living out of the county take home emergency vehicles?

No. County emergency vehicles should only be used for official purposes.  

What is your opinion about Merit Pay versus COLA pay raises?

COLA pay raises are not a preferred method of pay increase.  Merit Pay ensures that employees are compensated based on their performance.  Either way, taxpayer money will need to be used to cover the pay increase.  By budgeting a certain amount to offer as merit increases, you can ensure that the money can be distributed to top performers in order to retain them.