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Home » 2024-11-05 election » Conroe ISD » Conroe ISD Board of Trustee 5 » Josh Webb

Josh Webb
Party R
Occupation Uniform business
Marital Married
Children 3

Josh Webb


Born and raised in Conroe, TX, I spent my childhood in CISD and graduated from Oak Ridge High School. After graduating from Texas A&M University, i spent 12 years working for HEB Grocery as a department manager and a financial analyst. I live in Conroe, TX with my wife and 3 kids. My heart and soul are my kids and the school district they will be apart of. With that being said, thats exactly what you will get with me, my heart and soul being poured into this school district. I am here to be the voice of the people that want to make a difference and have the best possible education and school district for their children. My prioirty is your childs safety and education and I will do whatever it takes to make you feel that youre in the greatest school district in the nation and your kids are safe. I want nothing more than for your child to have all tools necessary to be the most succesful person they can be after graduation. With my leadership and your help, we can make CISD feel like home.  


MCTP Score of: 48 Source

Submitted by john wertz on 2024-09-17 16:02:03



  • agrees with parent involvement, against sexes sharing restrooms, supports audit, believes screen time is bad for kids


  • Stood us up on interview night.  Minus 25 point deduction.
  • Part of Datren William's Progressive slate
  • Didn’t answer specific personal questions
  • Didn’t answer attributes question
  • Believes keeping out porn is “sheltering kids forever”, no comment on SHAC
  • Believes books don’t affect kids morally
  • For IB
  • Uninformed on PICO and CRT




Why are you running for this position?  What are the three main attributes that make you the most qualified for this position?

To make Conroe Independent School District one the best and most desirable school districts to attend.

To help build a school district that develops our children and future children to be the best for our future.

To empower the teachers to have all tools necessary to give our children the best education possible.


Conroe ISD projects a $17.72M shortfall for 2024-25 fiscal year. How do you propose to fix it?

We need to petition state and local governments to allocate more funding to public schools.

We also need to look at where money is being spent and see if any of those funds can be reallocated to assist other deparments that may be lacking.


Did you vote FOR the 2023 $2 Billion CISD School Bond? Why or why not?

Yes, budgiting was short to begin with. When schools are overcrowded, class rooms are larger. when class rooms are larger, kids are not getting the attention they deserve. Smaller class rooms lead to more one on one time with teachers which leads to smarter children.


In your opinion, what are the three most important roles of the school board and if elected, how would you contribute to those important roles??

Child and staff safety. Children and staff should be able to come to school and trust it is a safe environment. 

Child education. children should be provided with the best education possible. CISD has the passionate teachers there to do the job, they just need the tools necessary to follow through.

Maintain a conservative fiscal policy.

We do this by monitoring who is inside the schools and our surroundings, using funding appropiately to get all tools necessary for teachers to have manageable classrooms and equipment they need to provide that education to the students, and disecting the budget to see how funds can be allocated for greater efficiency.


What are the three biggest challenges facing the board and how would you address these challenges if you are elected to the Board??

Funding, politics, outside influences.

Funding starts at a state level. I would like to get with the powers that be to see how that can be changed and redirected.

Politics need to stay out of the board and i will not let outside influences and politics lead my decisions on the board.

How much access do you believe parents should have to their children's curriculum? classroom? teacher? online?

These are children. Until they are adults and can make decisions on their own, parents should be fully involved in every aspect of their lives. Parents should know what their children are learing in school, what theyre being exposed to online or social media, and what agenda teachers are pushing to their children.

Do you support allowing all students to use bathrooms, showers and locker rooms, as well as participate in sports, based on the gender with which they identify, not the sex they are assigned to at birth?

Absolutely not. The sex the children are assigned at birth should stick with them the entirety of their childhood. once they graduate and step off campus, they can be whatever they choose to be.


Would you, individually, take public, overt steps to have pornography removed from LSC classrooms. libraries and campuses?

Pornography does not belong in classrooms. Classrooms are for learning. If it is not fact based learning, it does not belong in a classroom. If for some reason a book makes it onto campus and is deemed pornography, it is the parents job to teach children what they believe is right and wrong. We obviously cannot shelter the children forever so we will need to use examples like this to teach our children what we believe as parents is right and wrong. School libraries and campuses with young children should not allow pornography on campus. People can go look at these things somewhere else once they are deemed "adults" by the state after 18 and graduated.

Do you believe a teacher should be required to use a student’s preferred pronoun?

No, i do not believe a teacher should be held responsible for trying to remember every single persons pronoun. These are children we are talking about. Theyre not even old enough to buy alcohol, tobacco, or enter the draft. That is because they cannot handle things responsibly or make their own decisions, so why should a teacher have to follow what a child wants to be called when they arent trusted by anyone else to make decisions on their own?

Would you actively pursuit an annual third party financial audit of the ISD?

I would like to see a third party audit done on an annual basis that gives a full breakdown of where funds are being allocated and see if some funds can be redistributed.

On May 14th, 2024, the CISD Board adopted new bylaws for the School Health Advisory Council(SHAC), consisting of 21 members(2 by each board member & 7 by the superindent) while removing public comment at their meetings. What are your thoughts about this?

my thougths on the new bylaws or my thoughts on them removing public comment?

What is your position on implementing a gender fluidity policy to remove all gender subject matter books & materials from CISD?

There are two genders, what your are born as. You can add or remove all the books you want, it will not change this matter. It is the schools job to educate students to where they can make their own decisions later on in life when they are deemed adults. it is the parents job to teach the kids what they believe is right and wrong. if i do not believe there are more than two genders, i will teach my children that. if there is a book that says otherwise, i will teach my kids what i believe is right. when they are adults, they can change to whatever decision they so choose. A book in a school is not going to change the moral compass we instill in our children at home.

Should CISD have LGBTQ+ books in their libraries and classroom libraries? If so, why? If not, why not?

Again, how can children that barely just learned their own sex/gender make decisions like this? they dont even know who they are yet as a person. they only ones pushing this LGBTQ+ agenda are adults that are not longer in school. You can put all the books in the world in a school library but it should not be pushed to influence children in any way. it is the educators job to educate so the children can make their own informed decision. facts and facts alone should be the agenda, not opinions or feelings.

What's your opinion of programs such as Common Core curriculum? Critical Race Theory? Social Emotional Learning? International Bacculaureate?

These are a double standard. Some can say God is a theory to some. How can we acknowlege one theory and not another? By acknowledging CRT, you are singling out a specific group. By teaching CRT in schools you are teaching one group that they are the victims and the others that they are the problem. This is very one sided and is no different than teaching Christianity to children that may not believe in it.

Educators should not be worrying about kids emotions, values, or beliefs. it is their job to teach them facts and give them the tools they need to be successful, not try to sway them one way or another based off what the educators feels is important to push on the children. Stick to math, science and things of this nature.

If IB is truly going to prepare kids for higher education, im all for it. if it is truly focusing on math, science, reading, and other curriculum that prepares kids for higher education, i think it should be pushed hard. Schools are more worried about theories and oppression and speaking about victimization than they are focusing on preparing children for higher education and the world outside of the four walls of a school. If children had higher educations, they could make decisions on their own and not be easily influenced by society.

Will you work to remove harmful materials as defined in Texas penal code 43.24 from all school property? Additionally, do you support removing the “educational exemption” from this law?

is this referring to subjects such as health class where kids are learning about diseases, safe sex, body parts?

Then no, children need to know these things. sometimes children are not taught at home and have to get educated rather than on their own account.

If this is outside of that realm, not this should not be in schools.

Do you believe that parents should be allowed to monitor classrooms in person or cameras?

If we are doing our job as a school board or as educators, then no. Classrooms should be safe and the parents should be able to trust this school that their children are safe. 

Would you pledge to vote against any attempt to authorize any CISD employee salary that would be more than 50% above that of the Texas Governors salary?

Salaries are and should be based on performance. CISD employees range from small salaries to large salaries but generally with larger salaries comes greater responsibiltiy. if the person with the larger salary is justified in this salary, then no, i would not pledge against it. but if someone is not doing work that justifies a large salary then i would pledge against. I would then also question why the Governor of such a large state is getting paid less than a school district employee. too many factors to make a decision

What role does the Superintendent play at Board meeting?

Inform board or current events, mediate, advise, input suggestions for policies, initiatives or processes. 

Do you support HB1605? If so, why? If not, why not?

i believe what is taught in schools should be monitored by someone. i dont think each teacher should have the ability to choose what they will teach. allowing educators teach whatever they want allows too much room for personal agendas to move in. school needs to stay school and politics and views should be excluded

How do you think HB1605 screen time policy of 4 hrs/day affects children?

i think screen time is the worst possible thing for children. children are at the most crucial development time of their lives and spending too much time in front of a screen is poor for their health and brain development

Would you support a motion to inventory the books contained in classroom libraries & post on website?

i dont see a problem with submitting an inventory online. if were too ashamed to post them online then they should be in schools in the first place.

What is your understanding of the Pico case?

i understand that is was a case where the first amendment was questioned as violated when school boards tried banning books.

Would you vote to implement Biden's Title IX changes?

no. everyone is allowed due process. there was nothing wrong with the old title IX law

Has this board done its job in providing a platform of educating students with critical thinking skills instead of critical race theory? Please explain.

i have no idea. not sure on the question

Do you believe the Bible should be returned to the public school library? How would you implement that?

i think any religion is allowed in schools but not everyone agrees on the same religion. i think all bibles or books about religion should be in schools. Children should be given the opportunity to read these books and make a descision for themselves. And no im not saying the same thing for all books, this is strictly religious books im referring to. Each child should have the option to explore these books at will. Religious books have hystorically been good for those that read them and less controversial than gender books