What are the three main reasons you are running for this office? Do you see any potential conflicts of interest?
- I have been a practicing attorney for 36 years and am a former Presiding Judge for the City of Oak Ridge North. During my years of being a judge I handled thousands of cases ranging from administrative law cases to ruling on zoning violations.
- My depth of experience as a litigator and Judge will provide a practical perspective on cases and issues that come under the County Attorney’s purview make me the most qualified candidate for the position. I am also admitted to practice before The United States Supreme Court, The Northern & Southern Federal District Courts of Texas and my opponent with his limited legal experience is not admitted to any of these.
- I have three times the legal experience of my opponent and I am also the only candidate with a Bachelor of Business degree. I can efficiently manage and run the office of County Attorney.
What do you see as the 3 major challenges for your office over this next term?
- Effectively managing caseloads by reviewing every issue brought before Commissioner’s Court that calls for the expenditure of funds and or acceptance or rejection of contract proposals. It is time to stop the “Going along to get along” attitude.
- Also every lawsuit needs to be reviewed carefully before any decision is made to settle or take the matter to trial. We need to stop just writing a check and settling frivolous lawsuits without reviewing the matter carefully.
Having a County Attorney willing to take a stand against the back room deals and the off the books deals.
What goals do you have in mind, if you are elected, and to which you want to be measured against in the coming term?
- Ensuring that each department’s staff is cross trained in other department’s procedures and practices so there will not be anymore shortages due to accidents or illnesses that stop business as usual.
- I will also reduce the number of open record requests sent to the Attorney General for review the requested documents have been provided.
- I can, and will, operate within the current budget and will not seek additional funds over the budget.
Do you favor term limits? Please explain why or why not.
Yes!! I believe public office should not be a job for life. Two terms should be the limit otherwise the longer public servants are in office typically their desire to serve the public turns into holding onto their job.
What special interest groups have you belonged to or attended meetings of? Include business, social, civic, educational, environmental or any other cause for which you have advocated or supported with time or money.
I belong or have belonged to the following organizations: Tea party, Conroe Cruisers Car Club, Special Angels of the Woodlands, PADI, 33 years as a reserve Deputy with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department.
What political party registrations have you held in the last 20 years?
List all individuals/groups you have represented or lobbied for before any governmental entity during the past five years.
I have never lobbied for any person or organization but have represented numerous clients before different governmental entities such as The State of Texas, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH), State Comptroller, etc.