The MCTP Vetting Committee and Membership recommends voting AGAINSTthese two bonds.
CISD Taxpayers are already $1.9 BILLION in debt.(includes $624 Million in Interest).
CISD Ranking (186th out of 980) amongst Texas Schools
CISD accounts for 50% of property taxes
The $677 Million in bloated revised bonds still does nothing to enhance the enducation of those students attending CISD schools.
There are less than $300 MIllion worth of needed items in this proposal. Consequently, there is over $365 Million in pork in this bond($306 Million going to lawyers, bankers and builders).
There still appears to be no realistic pricing estimates in this bond - only fictitiously derived $$$ numbers, many that are replicated (discovered through Benfords Law, which Internal Auditors use in fraud investigations). 21,562.50, still appears 117 times in the cost estimates; all of the other random numbers remain in the cost estimates; other numbers are determined by just moving the decimal point are in there as well
While dialogue was proposed and carried through in July by Supt. Null with various groups, it was only a one-way street from grassroots. Dr. Null had nothing to offer in return.
CISD raised its debt service tax rate, by 4.0 cents to 26.5 cents, higher than in several years, in order to pay for the bond. CISD is NOT letting voters vote on whether to approve the tax "rate" which will support the bond debt payments.
CISD is raising the debt service rate higher, 4.0 cents, under the $676 million bond, than it proposed to raise debt service, 3 cents, under the $807 million bond.
CISD has chosen to put a massive administrator salary increase and supporting its multimillion vendors ahead of improving educational outcomes for children
CISD is playing a "shell game" with your hard-earned tax dollars.
Do these bonds enhance the educational outcome of those students attending CISD schools?
What's the waste and where's it going?
Are the construction, maintenance & operation estimates accurate?
Did CISD really listen to the grassroots after the latter defeated the first bond?
Is keeping the "Effective Tax Rate" the same (or lower) the same thing as "No New Taxes"? (Not if you property apprasial goes up).
Are the voters actually having a chance to vote on everything related to these two bonds? (The short answer is NO; CISD is raising the debt service rate higher, 4.0 cents, under the $676 million bond, than it proposed to raise debt service, 3 cents, under the $807 million bond).
Will taxpayers finally get relief for the statewide property tax reform the 86th legislature just enacted?
With CISD's perceived need for a new $677Million bond, is Dr. Null and board going to freeze the huge administrative salaries he ($300,000+) and other high-ranking CISD administrators are making?
In general, is this new bond lower than the one defeated by grassroots in May or are they doubling down?
What do the districts own demographic studies show?
Just who is PBK Constultants (the folks behind the curtain - Oz).